Why did THESE Games _COPY_ Zelda_ Breath of the

 hello welcome back i have never reviewed zelda breath of the wild it's my favorite nintendo switch game it's my favorite zelda and it's probably even my favorite game

game of all time, which makes the concept of reviewing it such a daunting task because there's no way I can do it justice. Breath of the Wild, released on April 3 Featuring all-new physics-based gameplay, fast-paced combat, and even voice acting for the first time in the franchise, Breath of the Wild felt like the logical next step for the series for many Zelda fans, as seen in the Looking back at the previous titles almost all wanted to explore and explore these concepts but they were always constrained by the hardware of the time saying this was still a big leap for the Zelda series but it was one too huge success as it was the best-selling title in the franchise has almost tripled and has now sold a whopping 24 million copies. So forward to the next half decade, yes it has been so long since we are all getting very old today. I want to look at all the games that at Breath of the Wild has clearly inspired, now don't get me wrong

because the internet has a habit of getting some kind of internet, but most of these games were just inspired by the touch of the wild, and in most cases the developers themselves have cited Zelda as the inspiration for their game, which is perfectly normal to any work of art can be an inspiration for another, for example Papa Roach lists the Wu-Tang Clan as inspiration for their band, but no matter how many times you listen to Kareem, it doesn't sound like the last resort to draw inspiration from Breath of the Wild art style or its music or its story and then create

something of its own in that sense and these are the games we're talking about today and I'm proud of what Nintendo has achieved with Breath of the

wild I mean, I can't think of a more established game series than Zelda, which had its first title in 1986, four years before I was even born
From there, it's stayed fairly consistent in its format for over two dozen games, and many game series struggle to invest new players when you're starting out
The fourth fifth installment of the franchise has arrived, but Nintendo managed to breathe new life into its 19th installment. One of the few other comparisons I can think of is of such a big franchise doing something so radical and being successful, 2018's God of War completely revamped itself while staying true to the course series, and that was it a huge hit and also one of my favorite games, actually i love this game but let's take a look at these clone games and the games that are not clones but inspired by zelda, this video is brought to you by expressvpn. i use expressvpn all the time and let me tell you why firstly you can unblock tons of content that is not normally available in your country while i am editing here. all i have to do is a simple click connect to uk or canada and just like that i watch rick and morty dragon ball super heck i can see the office again yes the office never left netflix for this guy and hey while you with connected to these other countries why not check out their steam store or other platforms for cheaper game prices country exclusives or of course games released a full day early the best part is while you are connected to expressvpn and having all this fun with it, you are always protected You are connected to an unencrypted connection. ExpressVPN protects you from hackers trying to steal your private information like passwords, financial data, emails. ExpressVPN encrypts your data and locks it in a secure tunnel that no one can see, not even your ISP isp can see everything you do online, every website you visit, click the link below or go to expressvpn
Slash beat em ups and find out how you can get three months of ExpressVPN free unless you like people watching what you're watching online. The first game is Decay of Logos, and I'm starting with this one because it's the only one in the video that I've never played that doesn't look good to catch

I checked out ign's review and I think the first 20 seconds says it all, while the combat and difficulty are clearly distinct from the Soul series, the art style protagonists mount and explore, the gameplay issues are clearly distinct from the breath of the wild stem wild pun which wasn't intended from the start to do with graphical glitches horrible framerates repetitive gameplay beats and lack of variety around the world and such but with some soul elements i mean why not right, but judging by the game's lack of presence on the dev team's twitter page I can safely say they've moved on, hopefully they'll regroup and come back to it with another game somewhere down the line because of lapsed logos here quickly have some solid bones if we just want to talk about art style passion is a game that di e developers actually cited Zelda as inspiration f or their game, the game itself is completely different, two ways older, but I really enjoyed this game, not that a game has to be like Zelda for me to enjoy it. I like other things

I want to move on to a game where the developers said very early on that they were inspired by the touch of the wild, specifically Gentian's favorite effect. Initially, it was marketed as whiff of the wild clone. Now wait, when I talked about the internet in the intro I was pretty much referring to Gection and Pac-Man. I made a video about Genji and Impact back then because they said it was going to switch soon too. That was something they leveraged heavily in their marketing, especially after already saying that Inspired by Zelda, of course they want to bring it to Nintendo's handheld console, so their first trailer followed so many similar breaths of the wild trailer, right down to seeing it of the glider and exploring the world and something we're going to get very familiar with In this video those soft piano keys, the touch of the wild was really a hallmark of their playing, those sporadic noises and noises, but piano keys were a big ongoing theme throughout of the whole [music] and it's hard not to hear those keys without thinking about exploring them in Breath of the Wild, and Genji and Impact not only used those similar piano keys in their first few trailers, but so much of the whole Soundtrack uses these smooth piano keys, in fact one of the songs on the soundtrack is literally called Legend of the Wind [music] , but yes I made a video saying that Tension Impact is a clone of Breath of the Wild

There's a focus on exploration with that cel shading art style and of course the game's soundtrack, which has a similar minimalist style, as you guessed it
tons of ambient sounds and signature touches of the wild like piano flourishes [music] you start out on a small island with literally nothing and you start trying and tinkering things together, you build a little boat and then as you go along forever more islands advance and you discover new secrets and unlock puzzles, you progress and if you ever die you lose everything, it's one of those games that are very different. You know, which isn't very different from what I'm saying about Immortals, I really love the game because, frankly, out of everything
Other games on this list, this one is the clone and the reason I said I don't know if I need to watch my words anymore is because Ubisoft worked with me on it
this game and i have enjoyed making each of these videos, i love working with ubisoft and they let me get away with comparing it to breath of the wild quite a lot in my videos so i think i will can still safely do when there is everything from exploring to climbing to the shrines
Upgrade system where you have your stamina and then your health. However, my favorite thing is how many puzzles there are around the world, i
will say they've changed quite a bit and it feels like a different game where there's just no hiding what inspired it, just the biggest difference
Genshin would be the fight, it's a lot more action packed with a lot more special abilities and upgrades and by the end of the game you'll feel like a literal god
and I really like that about the game, so all of these were games that were very clearly inspired by the Breath of the Wild itself and the notes the game was hitting
continue with its exploration or its art style or its gameplay, but I think there are two main things that inspire Breath of the Wild. The first is those things, but the other is just the idea of ​​taking your franchise and saying, let's change it, let's completely rework this thing from the ground up and do it

something better or at least something different the latest sonic frontier now back internet keep me out of here as soon as this trailer came out during the game show the writing was on the wall for me assuming the game isn't out yet and maybe you do something similar to gentian by using drawing those parallels, getting that hype for the wild moment's sonic breath and then flipping it and introducing everything that's going to be different about the game, but as far as the one trailer goes, right now we've got it all. It's the same, it's the breath of the wilderness so the trailer starts and you see sonic walking through the forest and then you hear sonic over here with that reverb it's just for me so comparable to the first breath of the wild trailer where you hear zelda saying open yours Eyes and then you immediately see landscapes and Sonic standing on a cliff looking out over the land and that's a shot for the shot of the very first Breath of the wild follower and one of the e In the first few moments in the game itself it then shows us all these different biomes and right when we start to get that sense of exploration what does the music but it starts doing the little tippy Tapping some piano keys to play

similarly, I think if you took the two side by side and asked a group of people who don't really know much about video games if that's the same game, they'd probably say yes it's getting funny now, but again in the Arceus trailer , you hear the same piano key I understand it's so beautiful
The feeling of a world coming to life that you want to explore, but it's so transparent what you're doing now and it's okay, I mean I
I have no problem with that. I think they saw that this big shift could work in a core franchise, so maybe the Pokémon company and the game geek feel balanced
I'm more comfortable with the idea of ​​trying something radically different because Pokemon fans don't typically want things to change. I could be wrong and that's it
still a safe risk because they clearly split Pokemon into two different directions with your traditional games, which I'm sure will continue to happen, and then these open-world games, and I think that's the inspiration which they took from Zelda but I almost get a feeling it's inspired by Monster Hunter and this format, the more I see of this game the more I think it's clearly not a huge open world , where you leave from one town to find the next town and so on, but more you have this central location like in monster hunting and you upgrade everything there, get everything right there, and then you go out into this one Open world area to do quests and missions and hunt for Pokemon and when you finish a mission you come back home The structure is very similar to Monster Hunter but I think it is definitely inspired by Breath of the Wild in a lot of ways, but it's not going to play like Breath of the Wild I want, but I see a lot of wild inspiration in the new Halo. There are a few things here, but let's look at the very obvious from the start. A series that's been around for a long time and traditionally a linear experience, Halo features an all-new style of gameplay and essentially a smooth reboot. It takes place in an open world. It's very easy for players to jump in now for the first time with a great, fresh take on the series, but you can't

deny that it was attempting something entirely different that might be inspired by the touch of the wild. One small thing I noticed is when I'm playing through the campaign and solving a puzzle and there are puzzles like I'm going like a little seed and slide it into a station so I can open the door there's actually a little fanfare sound effect that plays when you complete such a task, just like in Zelda. Listen to this and not only is this sound so similar to the fanfare sound of Zelda in general, but the exact same type of sound is like being in a shrine and fighting these little guardians and I wouldn't be surprised if this is a subtle little nod would be so I'm sure a lot of the inspiration this game brought forth was open world it feels too similar, a big reason is you have the grappling hook in halo but there's also a lot of physics based stuff that uses this grappling hook that lets you use the move

Inspiration from that and should I think Far Cry needs to go back to the drawing board and revamp the franchise and try something new? something that works doesn't mean it can't still be changed, and in fact sometimes it might just be what your game needs, and then I'm not surprised that a lot of indie games branch out from games like Breath of the Taking Wild Inspiration But more than anything, it really shows how good a Zelda Breath of the Wild game really is, whether it's developers wanting to pay tribute to one of the best games of all time, or developers wanting to try to further the success of this one Copying the game just goes to show that even in 2017 or now in 2021, Nintendo can be this innovative company that in many ways is at the forefront of the industry, while it might feel like they are a step behind the competition, in Reality but a few steps ahead are d in other ways if you like such videos as a woodwork let me know below like the video would let me know too e, subscribe if you're new, share the video, maybe I don't know, follow me on twitter on twitch and if you haven't played Breath of the Wild yet, do


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