Tragedy Has Struck in our Pokemon Heartgold Nuzlocke_ Day


the [ __ ] is the Pokemon, well, it's like Digimon, yeah, you know, Pokemon, it's a little bit like Yokai Watch, you know, the hit series from Japan, WWII, it's basically the same thing right now mal this is a charged vibe WWII not a pokemon imitation let me get this straight now people will start to get confused it's like wow they fought with beyblades in WWII like we would don't confuse it when we last stopped we successfully killed metapod which we didn't die we we have six badges out of eight we will try to beat the entire team rocket cause you know we're 11 years old now that's what you are supposed to do are you ready to take down a whole criminal organization I hate criminals you know I'm glad you expressed that opinion in the chat because if you hadn't said it who would have thought what your Ha lt is your killers some kind of villain controversy ot is anti-crime too rt lets kill your pokemon well look i can kill them within the law yo thats what the society based in these games like it's alright if my snake just eats your turtle I'm clarifying again what the password was. It's slowly being poked out. Can you say it a little louder for the people in the background? Here, where's mom gone, she hasn't called us for a while, yes, maybe she has sympathy for the criminals because she steals our money too. Mom is part of Team Rocket is just going to die or something all her pocket money has gone into funding this criminal syndicate here he is we have been waiting for you so it's mickey and me you don't know who I am it's me giovanni

waluigi apparently oh i don't sound like giovanni yes he is can i do a waluigi voice or wait wait i don't sound like giovanni no i can't i don't even know he petrol how how are you cos we you try to sneak into the radio transmitter room , this room is protected with a special password. password is hail giovan why did you tell me being challenged by waluigi let go all mario brothers he is probably the most likely to be involved in the mafia fun fact i actually met giovanni when i was in Tokyo lived. There was an event at a Pokemon center where something like that came out so I had set up like a stage from the right and he came out he started like now obviously he spoke Japanese so I didn't know what he was saying , but they actually started greeting him at one point, which was kind of worrying, and it was like there were just a bunch of kids supporting this, as you know, the criminal ringleader, um, it was a bit confusing in hindsight, but the kids seemed to love it him giovanni popped up like the pokemon center in like tokyo and started introducing kids to the yakuza uh it was nice [ __ ] but you know I bought a nice like bewear plushie, when i was there had a great time hey you are good we praise from waluigi oh oh good ok so if i heal first and he hits me then i should be fine oh you know if he just misses i can't do anything giovanni forgive me as he must himself now cut off his pinky prove his loyalty waluigi time ok murkrow mimics his voice so murkrow just mimics waluigi

This is not the sound effect I thought was playing. It's a [ __ ] siren vercro scream No chance of winning don't you think no lance will help us we have a dragonite and a dragon let's go I forgot about this fight uh that's kinda too scary these pokemon can hit us pretty hard this is level 25 arabic he's just left he's trying to use thunder even now like it's just a murkrow lance 13 levels stronger than her gaze any moment like a gun will pull out, and just like shoot the bird dead it's like i don't lose this pokemon fight like a spear no are really strong shame if you are the common team rocky you become a leader. I hope mama calls like now while we try to break up the criminal syndicate like oh notice you got some new money in your account this machine is causing all the trouble I don't see no s witch in it we have no choice we need to make all the electrodes weak oh no it's a poor innocent pokemon they are totally innocent of this but we have no choice between mice and men again I can catch one of these I can try but they are also dangerous murder balls so i think it's better to just kill him he turns like he could hit him with that and we have to switch to crumpet because crumpet is the bulkiest thing ok we have to go back to now Switch wonka because he just keeps yelling at us ok we gotta kill it real quick you mustn't live now yeah we can't afford to catch it oh no cause it's getting stronger here take it just take the electrode out who n you like the easel ok you gotta die real quick i can afford to throw maybe a single ball now and try to get one ok we have an electrode that's the only one we're going to catch it is dangerous when too much electricity has nothing to do it amuses itself by exploding, it just amuses itself i through

kills herself like electro that's kinda messed up we were underground so she didn't call us. He plays Lancome. Hey, hey, are you shaking? He's afraid to fight me. i think i shot myself coming in with whats his first pokemon price leads with your mother er anything more helpful than this price is catching your cold please dont tell me the gym is sheer cold cause that sort of thing really scares me that something right away could die do you play fortnite hey gamer in my chat do i play fortnite do i get the battle royale someone just asked if i am epic enough i streamed it once came third by hiding in a bush for about 20 minutes unsub unfollow you know i kinda liked it too i think i'm going to be two weeks old utuber now i really like dental floss, i floss every day and i have dental floss too cold in a fortnight. I have also seen and suffered much of my life. Once I had to play fortnight against my will, let me show you a thing or two son. I trained Pokemon before you were born. I don't lose easily. I pay for the winter trainer I demonstrate where I show my strength we can do it we can just kill it perfect that was a hard part done we are we are good now willow was my middle name willow is flexible and not easy to break not give up still wait price what is your last name then oh his first name leader leader willow price his last name is victory royale let's get him down that we made it you're worth this patch oh the professor got it

You're not mom, call because something strange is happening with the radio show that Team Rocket Mickey was talking about. Do you know anything about it, maybe Team Rocket came back? No, that just can't be true three years ago, but we rebuilt and restructured the team. We are proud to announce that we are back. Route 47. This is a new area. We can complete our encounter for the route here Technically it's a different zone it's a second tentacle how exciting oh god you know you gotta come now well there's a way to find out. We're going 40 damage, please don't kill

People really want me to call it Mr. Krabs but it's a female we call this Mrs. Krabs scary double fight here one plus one is two but two of us together is much stronger two of us isn't just a boring couple. already forgot your names ok magmar little scary the magmar only uses protect could not have asked for better honestly magmar demands social distancing and it looks like he has his hand out he's like don't come closer stop we have six Got grand for it yeah of course he called I heard you got more money than ever my son Don't call him Christmas carol entangled in a valve flag. You guys are dead to the Alpha Rad fans. Oh, that's why everyone says it's called the dark Christmas carol. Okay don't worry I'm not, I won't let you down

I put the second tee in to annoy people. Oh, Cameron's here too. We can take another picture of our team together. They're all still alive since the last picture we took. no one died not dead im waiting for you what do you think this is a brand new safari zone ok we will get our first encounter in here we have a shot to get one the safari zone in this game is weirdly modular and each zone has different encounters and you can actually customize these zones oh okay in the mountain biome that is to the right of the map you have a very small chance of finding a larvitar only possible during the day when we realize that we could get a tyranida on that Team, there's a very slim chance we'll get a shot. We get a shot. Make sure it's [ __ ] True I hate this Pokemon what do we call it slow pick but how All Caps Slurp can learn Ice Me Oh no don't tell me we'll end up using Slorp on the team Leckalicky's the only pokemon that can learn self destruct and get stabbed by it if you don't want to keep it, you can at least let it go out with a bang oh god just use it as a bomb just another day in goldenrod town everyone are gone wait can we still go play thank god this place is still open hey mr it's like wow well the city has taken over. I think we'd better hit the slots we had to recruit new members for the radio tower mission. Then we ran out of uniforms when i heard this studio is adding some so i decided to borrow one since you are here why dont you change too ok well we are undercover now we can infiltrate the city you have to be new you look pretty good in team rocket uniform go on hey team rocket go around in groups and alarming people you cowards are you mickey d what are you doing here no way do you think you are strong now you look like him it's silly, you shouldn't wear those things, he takes off your clothes, you see you're trying to be sneaky, typical notion of gentleness, insults you and leaves out help, and yes, like your rival in this game he just did really shit us down and left he's just mad he's so bad

Name well he shouldn't have dropped his ID in the beginning that happens you know you are helping someone you see someone drop their passport and you pick it up for them and give it back you can his choose new name it's just the law as if i wasn't always called rtgame ok some [ __ ] caught me when i was a kid why don't the criminals just shoot you they probably should have you like one Pistol or you can have like a firebrood dragon that just burns your enemies. Balls are pretty effective. There are no weapons in the Pokémon world. Yes they do then suddenly vaults or bombs are gone they just imagine like in war they just like to pick up a vault bullet and throw it at the enemy like a hand grenade, a Magnavite railgun, oh no there are some Interesting combat options like you could just throw like a honeycomb or something at the enemy and then like a bunch of combos like swarm like not the bees mom I'm fighting criminals right now you gotta stop calling the city in danger mom I don't have time for your vegan eating for a reason is chemical warfare oh god it kinda can't just use poison species like weason, like learn the movement of acid, like you can just throw a gasp into a platoon of enemy soldiers, or like their skin just starts to burn, what I don't like Some of these implications, mom, mom, I still fight criminals, yes, beyond the great mother of burgers, I w will try later no information leaks out of this room and it's like you have mustaches like the fine facial features like your two officers and they have a human with exactly the same smiley face because they can't hide that even if they pretend to be someone spend and all he can say is ditto like whats wrong with jerry today ditto i have a feeling people will start to cringe after a while it's like jigglypuff how he kill a man he hit a man will, that would have

metapod just so i'm clubbing with this thing i'm the director we decided to broadcast wonderful show to praise team rocket i don't want to hear you complaining just doing a great job too oh no it's you again mickey d yeah waluigi is back Nobody laughs let's beat up pretzel again oh my god he has six pokemon jesus and his first one is level 30 how much does he have to throw at us how every trainer up to now has been like “yeah I'll use it as a level” . 20 Rattata you got a full stack team oh no god oh my god we sustained critical self destruct alright don't play games we ain't [ __ ] in it come on crumpet we are like we're destroying the rest of his team, all these coffins self-destructed, I can't believe it's a critical self-destruct that wasn't even stabbing, and what if I lose it, you can [ __ ] yourself go, waluigi, i don't even like you in mario tennis, there's a reason you don't have a mainline game. i'm a nice guy Give you the basement key to get to the subway arehouse you [ __ ] don't add a slurp to the team [ __ ] hate slur may be arson rest in peace oh no that's a hard loss there crumppit it's just me and you now buddy we're gonna take on the world nothing's gonna stop us ok it is i was gonna hit you for a lance but since you're here i'm going to pay back my debt ok boy let's go i think , he's getting messed up now Believe me it's not looking good for my poor Pokemon I just don't know how to get out of this awful situation that's what that lance guy said true I don't treat Pokemon right yeah , just can't take it, I won't end here Not now I'm giving up my dream of becoming the world's best Pokémon trainer. Okay, see you later friend, work on your stuff. Okay just try my credit card it's all my money take off like my shoes in the department like the floor of this department store and stuff like that ne try to rob you but your mom took all your money like dude i don't have much left you can have my own wallet but good luck mum i miss your calls because i

just don't expect her to be this clingy who what you came to rescue me thank you the radio tower what's happening there take this card key i'm gonna stay chill in the basement a while no he's just chilling here you're not gonna leave the basement goodbye the amulet coin oh we finally get it we can actually get some money in the game now more money for mother oh no you're right mom where does the money go why do you have like four new gucci designer handbags muhammad's running an mlm oh no that's why she keeps needing the money she's not making any profit she's invested all these savings in [ __ ] berries let me sell you some herbalife products it's like mom no buy essential oils mom it's time it looks like you're really all alone all alone bring it let's finish this cob that alone i have the power of my friends my pokemon well now would be a good time to switch into a fire type oh it's time for you to get fried oh let me just set outline again in a moment everyone get ready the pog champ it's time for you to get fried flawless delivery badass execution just such a witty and clever streamer intend to take over this radio tower and officially announce our comeback which will bring our boss to your vanity back from his solitary training will not allow you to interfere with our meticulous plans they just throw a new character on you all of a sudden you've never once seen this man he's the final boss let's get him jesus seriously the level balance is so out of whack in this game because this hound ours now like level 35 we were fighting trying to treat pokemon for like the level 23 a piece it jumped 12 levels ohhe's got a hound doom as well oh no this thing is eight levels higher than me jesus holy [ __ ] that's a resistant hit attack drop we need to go we need to go on the wonka oh my god this may not even kill no it did it was maximum there [ __ ] hell [ __ ] use one of these and see how my god not the egg i dropped my touchpad that's like the nerdiest like the steaks are getting high that's like oh i need my glasses fell off my face i dropped my ds stylus [ __ ] hell like every fight was easy up until this point but it's like rocket executive yeah my pokemon's like 15 levels higher than everything like giovanni has done before me i would just find team rocket here today 
goodbye jesus christ mum mum it's not a good time necessarily she's calling and now look at the levels it's how sudden it's like yeah level 27 not too it's like you don't get any experience with these things these guys just stand here like they're waiting for someone get in their ranks waiting i see someone coming down the street oh you stepped left oh i can't get him i'm waiting for the next one i'm waiting for the next one i like to go in my house and like she would just jingling my pockets you obsess over gold or something let me see what you got son it's like mom mom I just want to go in my room you can't go in your room yet how much is in yours bags nice pass i think we just wanna swinup i think the only one here that really matters come get in touch oh you make me sad game your way could be so sad joey i'm trying to solve the puzzle lets come together and fight i v promise things will be different. Route 30 is where I'll be, call me and you come e oh [ __ ] Joe Joey not only bragging about Rattata, he wants us to fight Rattata A really good item, um, a scarf increases your speed by about 50. It's actually like an item that uses competitive Pokemon, um that's actually good but yeah like the speed boost it's definitely worth it because if you can get in quick and kill a Pokemon that could be our strategy against Lance his mother might help us win select scarf self destruct slurp ultimate strategy revealed here he is i've been waiting lets fight now delete party incoming you're being challenged by young joey he was on the phone because of his ratata he fooled us all along we fought it well then joey uh you did your best give us your money joey another loss no doubt you tough and it feels good that Oh no, Joey, I don't think you understand what you're saying


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