Ninja Gaiden is easy lol


thanks oh my god this is so [ __ ] annoying bro oh i forgot to save before i turn off the video yes yes i did that made me want to play this game again no it didn't it's not hard it no it is hard this boss i did it to myself bro i have a habit of playing this game at a really late time for some reason i used to live in california this is PST actual time four in the morning so yes remember i have a problem i don't know why now when you complete this stage and learn that this game is 19 chapters deep there might be a transition to what i'm doing with this series. listen to me now I enjoy Ninja Gaiden a lot but when I play a game of a harder genre I need the controls to not play like PP. I like how the combat is a bit yes I do jump attacks a lot in the last two videos in case you didn't know what happens when it's ninja gaiden we are like three videos. Deep this is the fourth this is cool but yeah I hate I hate the movement in this game it's not fun now there's a game I really wanted to be it's something I'm into started my channel and many of you might like more than that anyway. We'll talk about that towards the end, but if you really still love Ninja Gaiden for some reason I'll urge you this time that 30,000 was the default with 40,000 in Alright, I'll make it harder, oh hey, if you know we've heard a lot of things there about this fourth tier, but being really big for an imperial city, okay, that's saying a lot to me, just in size, the I've been told exploring this phase is very, very important, there's a lot I could easily overlook. Oh I can hear sound effects. Okay cool the music is off and usually the sound effects were off before I thought he just died

oh ryu its just that guy again nothing new bro nothing new nothing new nothing new sheesh ok ok so come on down did you kinda like it make it up again im sorry i thought she died bro what is that you gotta go now to Hans bar you should be able to tell easily from the decoration what just happened my monitor went black for us my monitor went black back to back i can read again ok it's decoration neon sign hands tied everything is clear my monitor is broken now i'm scared that i won't focus on now but i have questions later overwrite that and let's move on alright new enemies crowd oh ok we have silver dudes that die very easy now i'm not sure if those enemies because there are a few enemies that I see now that dying is pretty easy I don't know if it's the fact that I upgraded those weapons ha be, or if it's the fact that they're just inherently weak quick to hello oh that's maybe a very narrow way be it not as big as it was gassed and nobody here what is, oh that is just a statue of twin snakes plaza what this thing is holding i guess i won't know their surface of the pedestal don't talk to me i hear footsteps in that direction i also think enemies are just in the streets waiting for oh my God okay you're gonna light my ass huh you're gonna light my ass huh okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait so so the gun this stuff just gets more and more annoying. I say these are robots too, not really humans, they're interesting, I feel like there's some lore here that isn't too difficult to understand. Actually start listening to the story. I'm traveling right now there's a boss that'll be right here sure right here bro what doors are shutting tight ok so no boss but um i guess any obstacles this door is open ok so he has a rocket launcher or grenade launcher again

Sorry hey we gotta take care of you real quick uh I know people said I spam the airstrikes and you're damn right bro it saved me so many lives oh counterattack sexy wait , gotta play with it, do something, do something, do something, damn it, that's the horniest Parry I've played with, but bro, it's a Perry attack, a counterattack that shakes her, that is all i would ever ask for i stop playing with me now get down get down oh they got uh the robot thing so i can't really be okay bro and you chill again oh , that was a good combo, when I tried to counter him he hit, okay, that's gonna be a little annoying gonna be a little annoying how did i just die how did i just die my life just felt like a pipe dream of a fever dream I've done things and now I'm in the grave brother and now I have to do all that again oh this game it's so great bro ok alright you killed yourself ad off too you have health oh darling that fill me up alright that was uh annoying the door is locked these boys shut up alright so back that way amy mini mini that frankly alright i guess we're going with mo um mate we're okay here's something wait wait wait what's that a moon that's a whole gun I could use it's a staff oh it's cool oh it's cool oh I love it I love it thanks that's what I always wanted man I don't use that , so I can level it up, but it looks cool. i will use it I'm glad I went into that corner because that's something he's always holding captive right now these swords are definitely stronger because I leveled them up. Oh, come on, stop playing with me, brother, stop playing

okay I still got it I still got it baby don't [ __ ] with me the swords are still the strongest things I got I'm pretty sure the single sword I have as well is is fairly strong as well too since I powered that up and as well um so until I can find another merchant I'm just gonna rock with well these what do you what are you telling me now okay loading not saving mind you they could have put a crazy auto save right there but instead no let's just load it in load in this little bit of text when in doubt look my monitor goes black again I think my my game my monitor is thinking the game is off with all this purple or something I don't know look through the color blue for the path blue oh okay I hate you okay I think I can run up this go up here and just absolutely make no progress whatsoever all right cool but can I take this save while my health is low game Crash okay no no no but I got the save okay cool go in here what the door is locked on the lock there is a lily symbol what is that doing for me I don't know thanks for telling me though this is a body uh the corpse of a ninja killed before all right I'm glad you died all right hey hey hey stop I'm leaving I'm leaving there's no need to be Petty I'm just looking around man loading this door better open with that thank you okay what we looking at exactly uh we got a door that looks like a Millennium Eye we got a chest up there that I can't reach hold on let me check if I'm him again can't run up the wall all right definitely not him oh but we have this I'm just looking for any opening that can maybe lead to a merchant oh my bro this behind the door [ __ ] I don't like it okay I lived I lived I lived and that's what matters the most dead oh how did I do it how did I do it bro these ambushes are getting crazier and crazy another ambush I already knew what is this this Furry Convention that did I miss something Lord beerus I don't know what this is it has green blood it's gross already bro all right counter attacks is what I

should really bet on that because uh well they could probably grab me too. I didn't think that they can just dodge everything, huh oh, they can parry me way better than I can parry them. ok ok ok gotta heal gotta heal uh beerus beerus can you and your sister calm down my boy killed one of them maybe maybe okay one of them is definitely dead sure alright great and do that er kill it kill it kill it my least favorite enemy as far as i don't want to see another one better to be useful give me health why all the loading spirit of the devil no I blame that I take that spirit and put it here. I'm lost oh my god you'll no doubt find the secret to open it too, okay find the secret to open the gates and it's in here. I already knew come on what okay that didn't work out shop this is what I'm looking for shopkeeper shopkeeper o h dude oh that's the actual guy not the statue what's up yeah hello hey super ok cool well you know what i want first let's getting that health away bro if i can level that more than once oh i haven't been able to level the dragon sword ok that was on me so i'll do that the lunar hey whoa wait actually the design changes see now, i want to upload the dragon sword upgrade to see what it would look like, no i won't use it doesn't matter, and i won't get any health just in case because i'm kinda thinking about that upgrade dragon sword now because i want to see the design but this kind of gas is ok it fits and everything is ok thanks for business. I think frankly what just happened alright this enemy so I can tell by the timer that just spawned uh what's the damage look like? Hold on, hold on, maybe I accidentally did something on come here whoa

Okay, it's definitely slower, it's definitely a lot slower. I'll probably buy health now but damn that damage is he's dead the problem I have is the jump attack just isn't viable with it and that's all I used Two swords I believe I like the two swords a lot more bro it's just cooler. I don't like like I said, the jump attack thing. I kinda need it It's my baby now because I died. gotta do it again give me a sec alright uh i had to use my ALT on these cats cuz i just couldn't be asked to do that again and now where do i go i guess i walked this path yeah ok so i don't quite understand this method of figuring out where to go there are a lot of doors and i see people saying this is a big area. I think she's trying to help me a group of black robed ninjas are trading their stuff a week at the time but what the clan won't let them live is cool so I'm hunting people I'm sure I need to kill anyway oh object , wait, wait with that golden scarab ok ok then go this way open this door doors door is lava don't question it just keep moving no riddle oh hold the riddle oh my God riddle bro stop the riddle yeah ok and that's a riddle oh it's a trap not the cats bro I've wasted my old ones already. I regret that I have already wasted them on these things. I should have used it here not oh wait i got him and then he just cuts me in the air like how how is that ok how is that ok ok i think i killed him give me health thanks thanks thanks and then he got me in the slip caught oh kill this one yes sir yes sir and then another bad cat bad oh my god bro why why are you kidding me no no no

no I hate those things bro better be life but give me some health oh damn and you gave me an ultimate that was the best thing I got yet thank you that was great yo that made me happy made me smile I like that oh bro more cats why why bro bro no no no no no no um bro using alt using the alt I'm not dealing with it I'm not dealing with it almost killed me no no I didn't save I refuse I refuse I just simply refuse goodbye goodbye tried me absolutely tried me you need to take these cats out the game bro who made this game team ninja ninja soft get it out oh okay climbing secret entrance uh can I make that jump yes sir the second one I have to run on the wall yes sir this better be a secret because i don't think just anybody making it through here a corpse shut up just kidding i'm not gonna read this bro nope don't care i'm gonna break the illusion for you if you i said this before in some videos I don't talk about it that much you know a few people in the comment section be like oh my gosh I hate when he doesn't read this that in the third fun fact I'm dyslexic so if I can smoothly which in this case wasn't smooth not read something I'll do it and I do it every time anyways uh with that lever bro stop stop shooting me this door opens oh okay okay okay I think this is progress I'm kind of losing track of uh where I'm going a bit I'm not gonna oh my gosh no no no no please out of every enemy I don't want this one oh my bro I just I just don't I don't even know I I can't even fight in the same way if I need let me just give me this give me this I think I killed it I think he's he's five he's still alive the hill bro I'm not going back I'm not going back I'm not going back to that save I refuse oh give me Health give me that yes sir yes sir die die yes yes I probably didn't need to use that life bro but I I can't trust myself okay going this way this is where I started uh hands bar oh that's where I had to go save I gotta save back there no no no don't interrupt me please t he save is right

to my right it's to my right no no no no no no no boss fight no boss fight get away get away get out D it went they blocked the safe no it's like horses but worse where did it go do it to me not like that and they shoot good no oh you gotta waste so much to do that no no I'm not losing an option losing is just not an option bro that's that's borderline that's borderline a hate crime I will say i'll say it i'll say it what should i do what am i what am i should do just that bro bro no i can't meet him ultimate no no no no no yes yes ok first let me not waste it because maybe there could be another after this guy and if there is one you can totally save it for motorcycle guys health uh boom no come here come here come here come here boom gross stop please please this is see this this there I don't like it I don't like it A lot of it is because I like the actual controls bro I prefer it I may not feel like controlling the mud then but I have standards now bro please just stand be still for five seconds bro five seconds five seconds just stand still oh oh I'm about to [ __ ] pick you up I'm about oh give me this help I don't even need it where is that where is she no no yes yes oh my god oh i have never been so happy bro i have never been i have several files so i could have saved smarter than i was im sad all right what was that lily key oh that opens the lily door what is what do we boys do thats the general screams you hear its the boss i got the little kid i gotta go back i got a Backprog, brother, oh, wen, baby, do you have them? I am you who are you dinosaur why you bring baby ok im done anyway ays baby real girl with the ass ass she got the high heels fine. I'm just, I'm just impressed, it doesn't look like an enemy. I think that's what I'm looking for

'Cause hey, I think that's what I'm looking for, she's probably a ninja too. i think im rachel saint or a sinner so what makes you that she just said brother a devil slayer im looking for a bigger devil named oku why are you looking for him its none of your business i will kill him or i appreciate that is it Now you have no idea what you're dealing with do you? No, it's hard for me to look you in the face. I will be 100% honest. It feels like her boobs are jiggling when she's not doing anything That you bro look at what's happening she didn't make a move where are you going I was looking at you oh that was cool , you just didn't want to share, seems to be having it pretty good with the ladies, my friend you're not mind you, just dropping in, good luck with that docu guy, that's how things will go, oh, and me know rachel pretty well well alright lizard i listen to ninja too bro whatever where is rachel wait this is it what what what what chapter i just got in my duffel bag , well, i'm going to do another chapter in this one video, bro, what, check the time, check the time, it's five in the morning and my controllers are dying, you see that's me, yeah, look at that on. I will go. I forgot to save again. The next game I'm going to play is the game that some of you might remember because I started it before I finished it, so I won't spoil it, although you'll see it tomorrow


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