My Luckiest Gacha Rolls


One Free to Play This is Free to Play Roll guys let's go man what a game i hate that i have to enter my info everytime its the worst part of the game well i mean besides that I can obviously do it at all. Alright, let's uh, let's do it here, let's go, folks [ __ ] alright, uh, well, we're off to a good start, yeah, we're off to a great start, folks , that's great alright let's go again oh there are people who are crazy about it I am I do it I want you to know that I don't care if people get upset about it. i find it funny do it but i think people like it alright let's go please please please i'll [ __ ] you [ __ ] you're kidding me oh my god I know that it's bad before it ends because it turns yellow when it's good here we go come on please please please please please please please please please [ __ ] that's so [ __ ] alright alright alright here we go, let's twist it come on please please se oh my god i made four of these i didn't get a single one that's outrageous i won't feel sorry its ok guys it's gonna happen here we go , oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, ninety percent, yes you're right, you're right, ninety percent of people give up before they win big, alright let's win big, let's win big, alright, come on, come on, come on, big money, big money, big money, please, please, come on every time Yes, come on, we kr ie it it's okay it's a shame it's okay it's okay I'll get it right here anyway okay alright it'll be a we actually we'll get it 100 this time let's go but I can get two can get two yellow boys it's okay come on please give me one of the ones i want give me one of the ones i don't want [ __ ] my ass that's not that's it's not that it's not that's not chill chill chill that's not it okay come on oh my god oh my god bro oh my god please stop this please stop please stop please stop alright here we go oh my god oh my god i get

so stressed last i get so stressed come on please be a good one please be a good one oh my god alright it's a sword ok alright come on please please please please please oh my god oh my [ __ ] goddamn that's good right people it's so good i'm pretty sure it's right i mean yeah yeah it's true true true wow damn i have another one of those that has five stars by the way holy [ __ ] [ __ ] the gun really likes me it does oh actually let me do my liberty let me play my liberty roles okay yeah let's play the free roles here we go yeah that's that uh that's the big ones that's the big ones let's go purple is nice it's always nice to have one getting purple jump all that why should i skip them i got it you know i got it i got the sword in a purple right like i don't skip it cuz i know i'm going around to get it, i might very much easily get a yellow boy in this how I could very very very easily get a yellow it could happen alright I'm too good at Gambo yeah I don't know but like it's alright that's why I have more chances Thing is like I know what's gonna make me win and lose it's just a matter of faith yes it's a matter of belief folks yes you dare to dream i hope you get guns again, me too, yeah, me too, man, come on, come on, come on, come on, piece [ __ ] okay, I've got at least one purple, okay, the color changes around the uh First Solar Regiment No, when it goes it's gonna turn yellow, everyone's gonna see it turn yellow, everyone's gonna see it, trust me, okay, so right now I'm getting [ __ ] so I've done six rolls already and I'm zero become when it turns purple fast it turns yellow right right right we're looking for yellow come on give me the yellow oh oh oh piece of my [ __ ] that's just I'm annoyed Not. I don't even want to think that wasn't even a real role alright lets go again how do you feel about awc teams getting banned yesterday oh listen you're spending money on a video game you're a [ __ ] idiot ok you buy carries and [ __ ] like that when people are like that well i can't make money off awc it's not blizzard

Responsibility to ensure that you play video games for a living. It's just not like wearing [ __ ] for money will get you banned. That's life when you all purple pop up faster than the animation please please piece of [ __ ] how many of these little dumb purple things i collect around the world so i don't even get a single one its a joke , get the [ __ ] out of here, give me one, it won't I won't see it, I could say [ __ ], I could say that one wouldn't go, that point three percent. Yeah, well, it's point three times ten, so it's three percent. Come on please please [ __ ] you it ain't not gonna work it's not gonna work it's just [ __ ] pieces it admits a blue I literally got a blue out of that three percent god I hate that [ __ ] come on please give me yellow give me yellow give me it won't turn [ __ ] yellow it won't turn [ __ ] yellow alright two more it's a piece yeah smine it's ok i know three percent please come on, come on, come on, oh you [ __ ] I've got one more temple, one more ten step, you can take 10 more down. I should probably go through all my rewards c'mon come on please please please please please please okay alright free to play betrayed me today 16 doesn't draw gold it doesn't matter I'll get it right here it doesn't matter winner win winner win boys remember winner win winner win lets go come on ok alright ok come on please please please i lost a lot i lost a whole lot you gotta focus i know i'm out of luck i'm out of luck i'm come on , come on, come on, come on man that's such a horse [ __ ] I can't believe that I can't I can't believe that [ __ ] no no no you get it [ __ ] to be today

Fair I think I got that I got the gun to Samir girl pretty quick like I don't really understand [ __ ] but like I don't understand oh my god alright alright alright we're gonna wrap this up i wrap this up i'll get it done believe in the cards believe in the heart of the cards i'm free to play i have double ssrs oh yeah look at this look at these look at this me gonna make it right now now i got all the free through oh my god this is ridiculous this is absolutely ridiculous the thing is like alright alright we'll get it this is the pit alright we gonna get the pity role, that's right, it's ok, it's no big deal, folks, it's no big deal, we'll just get it here, we'll be there, it'll be a good one, alright, that's the only thing that really matters come on please be a good please be a good please be a good right

I've got way more buns like it could turn around so it's my pity one right so I've got this 100. I've got three more it's easy easy just on please please please please so oh my god please it's not it's not it's not sunday oh my god uh i've maxed out the sword oh my god winner win make it twisted guys lets go lets go that easy it's that way i have two more to go i have two more let let's do it we have two more come on get the sword last and max it first yeah don't stop getting rich you think i'll stop now i'm a winner when the winners stop let's go holy [ __ ] Man I got the sword too, oh my god that's all right, I've got one more, I've got one more, I've got one more, I've got one more, that's really crazy lucky, but I got' i don't get a single one that really is crazy Sword is fully upgraded. Let me show you how much damage it does. Okay it's pretty good Good on me guys looks good Holy [ __ ] Okay we're up ok he's just dead alright let's go that's pretty good I'd say


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