Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga is Easy

 A long time ago I had a whole series of Star Wars Jedi Fall Order on my channel. In that first episode, I sort of shared my love for Star Wars. It's something that's still going strong, it's a part of my childhood and who I am today, kind of youtube-wise I suppose, and it makes a big transition to what we're doing today. Now, be a little open minded on this one, ok before I even start this section I've never seen a Lego before in my life I know what it is I just didn't have a big childhood with it ok cool listen , Star Wars the Skywalker Saga is a remake of the old lego star wars games i played when i was young now as i said never have played with lego personally but i have just played this unique lego star wars game. I have now enjoyed it in a normal environment. I'd love to play through it, but I can't necessarily imagine this translating well. I feel like for some reason this is very crappy and maybe you don't care and neither do I i k I don't know if nostalgia could carry that kind of thing for me but i want to try and see that with you guys today Almost done with it so will move on if you care 30 000 likes and then I have to take care of that too you see how it happens yin and yang we both have to align and find some form of interest to make this happen but let's see how that looks now, I know that might sound silly, but the older games, the older Lego Star Wars games, they didn't talk. The first thing I saw in a trailer is that now it's just the lego men talking but I think that's going to be the most unsettling thing for me from a nostalgic perspective but why is there a seizure warning right away what are we about to do do? To unfollow me, bro, you're just not human, I don't know why you like it, we'll just never see the eye

to eye although you think we can't we don't think so we're the same kind oh no copyright music i gotta take it for the team bro the game looks pretty i'll leave my opinions apart from this newer trilogy we'll see luke. Oh that's weird. Why am I so excited for Lego Man? I can't help that the transition was high. That voice acting isn't actually that bad They got that okay we got mace windu in episode two we got lucan new hope okay luke we got a scene that's such a disappointment and click bait to go see what actually happened is the last jedi right yeah the ending wow they made luke look cool in it and then we got episode three okay okay okay I'm a nerd bro it does sorry episode five I think that's what's going on and then we have the final episode eight oh y'all really stumbled upon that that was the intro wow I thought we'd just jump into the game I figured it would force me ok ok y'all killed y'all killed y'all I'll give you that bro oh I'm invested I'm on maybe I shouldn't say that with a lego -game hey it was a new game whoa whoa whoa first things first first things first whoa whoa whoa whoa w hoa oh yeah sorry i can't trust i can't trust this music but hey hey hey uh yeah that was a good intro its just disney racism. Oh we can choose where to start Bruh we gotta get it right we can't we can't get it wrong now if you would tell me oh [ __ ] I don't have any music on it it's gonna be a bit awkward, I got you, brother, okay, I'll

I'll skip that, this game without music is a very sad place, oh, I hear something pretty cool, so that's, uh, Darth Vader chasing Leia, oh, they're winning too, and they're winning, boy, that's not Art say that this time there will be no escape for the princess, this voice acting is really good, yes, what is it, brother, it's stupid, that's so stupid, what they sent us, hope this voice acting is not bad i'm so perplexed we're just about to play as leia oh talk nice to me then we have to make our way to escape lego star wars is like an all encompassing difficult look at this transition of gameplay that talk to me if you were wondering what that sounds like where i was turbulence okay true we are undergoing an invasion related to turbulence exit keep calm yeah brother darth vader is about to jump out of there uh

The lightsaber was, it's so cool, it's so goofy, bruh, I like it, it's cute, it's cute, if it wasn't Star Wars I probably wouldn't have been able to do it bro, ya know does oh wait you ain't good boys in that case sorry my fault damn he died well I mean yeah I guess that's what happens when you shoot someone but I expect his body just exploding try to move can you move i'm trying to get him i just oh my i just killed my boy wait wait press square to finish him can you stop telling me what to do just for the science sake oh oh [ __ ] ok cool you come alive find a way to get to the death star plans ok now i get it bro i carry on for some reason expecting you a ally, what is that, I would avoid that, no, okay, we're good we're good we're good i thought you gonna hurt me bin bro what was that hey whoa we got a sniper relax who talks to me oh who lied to me sure as i wasn't sure uh grapple ok so this is different than what i did before oh i just did this to pull the lever what wait hold l1 ok then i press l1 oh puzzles and stuff i see so there is online co-op for this game oh and then i do that for her uh oh he goin crazy damn why does the black soldier come first vader bro thats another bro you are technically black alright ok never mind i will this dumb one testimony don't say what else you do those camera shots where he's about to break through just awkward a little alright number soldier three i put that oh wrong button wrong button i do that and then and then leia now you go in there I think no but what so ll happen here keep the build where is the bill left or right what the heck water cannon okay so i got that ou if the red legos hadn't walked over it you would have been really resourceful

The meaning of it Sure I opened the door I think I killed him I just killed people I'm about to die too they do oh things we gotta do I see okay okay let me see this joke man uh albert ironic alright bro hey you shoot when i tell you that [ __ ] whats wrong with you oh my god bro i don i dont know what that was wait ok he got a sniper i get him all right cool hey put that away put that away now i'm just horrible even in a lego game is bad okay what kind of command console is that don't talk to me like that ok so that can be two things ok so i have to do that i'll bring that here and then i hit it again bro if you dont get up right now stop it oh my fault my boy my f ault my fault damn i dont really wanna shoot a bro well i will sorry you got me shot back bro more come on come on dude come on stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop tell me check damn bro sorry oh no they take prisoners who's that baby bro or two I bet it's bro right i like the way you think uh ma'am don't talk to me like that damn leia you might have given it a malfunction bro you had headphones that's funny our plans aren't in the main computer you're robbing her out bro can you hear me I'm going to do something a little bit different because this episode if we call it that is mostly a vibe check to see if I'm even going to do that for a series so there it doesn't really make much sense for me to progress that far in a story like this. I think jumping into another gets me more, so listen to me

Listen to me I'm going to try which episode one looks a little bit like one and then I'll do a little bit of seven and then I'll pass judgment on how I feel about going on I guess episode one it i'm really sorry i can't skip them you know i'm trying what am i supposed to do there's no music i'm uncomfortable oh i forgot how the first one started run this through no we just stopped at the supreme chancellor to ask permission to board, oh oh you got palpatine into the evil schemes. I have a bad feeling about this wars games you can make a controller ship sorry up down how do i move fast where do i go? I think in the movie they went to this little ship, just this circular thing I'm not going here I don't think they went through a round door called this one over here. I'm so confused bro boost shoot uh there's a marker where I'm going oh I'm going here I think bro make up your mind I think I died we're okay we can just control so I'm pretty sure we have a light. Yeah, ew, how do you do the power? Whoever talks to me, don't talk to me like that. Are you lucky you're made out of plot armor? Yes, I believe they are being betrayed here. Mouth moves when I talk we live in the future why can't I kill this thing you'll give me away hey who you're aiming that gun at oh see how he ran back like that bro stop him short of the snitch where did your friend go bring your friend back yeah dont come back here what treason happened wait let let me get the funds back there you piss me off hold the aim up then move it put it here ok y okay ok cool yeah obi -Wan has been talking about this for a lot afraid of this trade dispute yes here they will betray like at the beginning of the

Show or the movie oh that's really cool they made an easter egg like that in the older games too what the heck oh try to poison us ok ok and now we're fighting wow wait wait , how about the lightsaber fight? No, I'm not exactly sure, alright, but now I can use the power proactively, right, so let me try again, where give me give me another one you don't wanna do all that bro alright come out come away dont run at me alright first of all i dont know who you thought you were alright the force is over i killed myself let me see what ob1 has is there a difference in the signs uh triangle what is a triangle option i saw that you so a lot are i want to test something oh i have an auto reflective triangle bro triangle pop again what is the triangle option i cant see it oh they have the racist droid pinning oh that uh in the old uh games i remember those droids like a [ __ ] were but i don't think in this one alright keep opening the door why do i keep pressing no you're gonna piss me off there you go the story we just opened up teleporting the ground i don't really think so i think we're just watching oh darth jar jar oh no we're just here

bro shut up jar jar oh my god what are you made of jar jar i try to punch your ass and you just take it every punch come on jar jar please now i think already the first episode is probably my least favorite of the whole Star Wars movies, right, but one thing I wouldn't say, that's better. I guess the Force Awakens isn't that bad. My issues are with that but we're not talking about there being any lego games out of these three I don't think I've ever played them so I'm more interested in just seeing what this one is like. I'm sorry for that joke. I forget how this even starts we have bro oh and then yeah kylo ren comes through uh can someone who played this confirm if that oh he confirmed that's the same thing they did in the other game you have dude it does sorry this is the most abrupt intro of all aimed at oh but this also seems to be the one that has the correct tutorial i don't have you know i got this for leia what the heck is so, that the other games are set up the way these newer ones were because this was the first Star Wars game to actually start talking, okay, shoot you. i will talk about that later did i hit two oh i can hit oh i hit hard i hit hard hold on okay okay attack continue the story oh alright i made a mistake with you as it is bro what why is it so fast that voice is really very good what it is in a bb unit this is like laughing at how fast it is like i blinked and it's over so now let's just play as rey. Yes we are, where are you from? Yes, Ray was previously professionally homeless, right, you can stay the night with me, but after that you're on your own. Oh, she's got that lightsaber thing. She already has a small staff. I forgot she doesn't shoot right Doesn't look healthy well let's not do that in the morning bro maybe I can't play through this bro my laughs are from uh like

much more i have grown than the humor why you help me cause its the right thing i like how high graphic legos have really shiny faces so here they break out i will probably play well i understand and i can still fight what the fuck , oh my mistake i just play as you then you don't have a gun ok they both have a gun that's something i shouldn't do i should keep my cover hey guys say wen how's mine Cover blown bro what's up with you shooters when I say don't shoot bro bro ignore us ignore us he I told him not to shoot he had that oh my god boom , boom, alright, I think I killed him, yeah, they're all triangle strong, show me a meter, a bomb, I think it was a meter, it was a car, I don't like it, I felt bad I didn't know I was going to scream damn son wait wait was te now i gotta kill you i feel com i shouldn't do that what is that l1 is he using that wo oh ok we still have a chance to camouflage alright i love it i love it i love it i like it so so let's see if i can get through now if i don't attack. There's a flamethrower over there. oh we swing we dead ok whatever ok so i just gotta can i shoot this train come over here i just jump up here jump faster and i how do i get in, how do i get in the layer oh my god get up get up get up get up get up and we both have to press ok I grab pop that it was actually a really good movie that gave me a lot of hope for this one trilogy, and then we just really go, oh, did they actually do that [music]

uh i think i got the car stuck oh i think i died It's cute though I have a little charm but I have a feeling it won't last long for me, beyond this gameplay so i'll just end the show instead of letting me know below what you think of the game and if you do i really wanted to see a series of this sorry


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