Why Wrath of the Lich King Was The -

 Rather, why is Lich King such a big deal that we're going to look at? You haven't checked out the next one If you've been on YouTube or the larger web lately, chances are you've stumbled across some sort of promotional material for Wrath of the Lich King yes, whether it's a Blizzard Facebook ad, platinum wow -Video talking about lore or this bald attic goblin ranting about why Wrath was so good this game is everywhere and folks it was very very good let me tell you a little earlier it was that Best yes it was a great [ __ ] time man doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon no what is wrath of the lich king and why is it such a big deal you may be wondering you've never seen world of Warcraft and are curious or maybe you've played wow but you're unfamiliar with this expansion and the period in wow's story either way to answer the question of why wrath of the lich was king such a big deal w We have to go back in time a ll Warcraft to 2002. Yes, once again with the release of Warcraft 3, a real-time strategy game from Blizzard Entertainment that was a sequel to Warcraft 1 and 2. This game unlike its predecessors had 3D graphics with evolved characters it introduced new races like the night elves and the scourge and many more but the most important thing or person introduced to the world through Warcraft 3 was the character Arthas Menethil. It's actually crazy to think how good the graphics were for 2002. That was [ __ ] insane like those graphics as obvious as now like there have been some other companies that have caught Blizzard's quality but back then they were just completely unrivaled that was literally 20 years ago now Arthas was a paladin of the silver hand a prince of the kingdom of Lordaeron and throughout the history of Warcraft 3, players will follow his journey from a noble hero destined for greatness and glory to twisted by his desire to protect his homeland, eventually sacrificing his soul to an evil magic sword known as Frostmourne and then turns to the very people he once tried

he even murders his own father to protect himself, all in the name of a mysterious being known as the Lich King. That's, I want to say it again, uh, you know, while we're on the subject, Arthas didn't do anything wrong until he picked Frostmourne was absolutely right about every decision, everything he did was totally [ __ ] good, and on top of that after picking up Frostmourne he was mind controlled by the sword so anything he did after that that was bad wasn't his fault it was a guy who commanded legions of undead warriors dedicated to the cleansing of dedicated to all life from Azeroth and our specialist, accidentally gave his soul to his sword as the story progresses thrones in northrend to unite with the lich king and become one with him and the new master over the scourge, and thus ends Warcraft again with Arthas sitting on a frozen Spire and falling into a hibernation waiting for him to rise again to lead The Scourge to wipe out all life from the world. Warcraft 3 was an absolute smash hit for Blizzard Entertainment, bringing the company huge revenues and credibility as a premier game developer, and Arthas Menethil, who was the main character in Warcraft 3, quickly became one of gaming's most iconic villains. My dad knows who the lich king is so great was the lich king he doesn't know any other character in all wow probably but when he sees lich king he's like he's the lich king that's if he sephiroth knows, no he doesn't, the fallen prince, the runeblade, Frostmour and The Frozen Throne, people love Darthus and they couldn't get enough of it. He was at the end of Warcraft 3. He was practically the main character in the game. In a lot of Warcraft 3 games he was the main character I would say or the most prominent character he and Thrall Cliffhanger was with the new Lich King everyone was waiting on the edge of their seat wondering what was going to happen next but instead of out Warcraft 4 to make another strategy game

and to continue the story of Arthas Blizzard, Blizzard made a rather controversial decision as you can see, instead they focused on developing an MMORPG, now a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, which they would call World of Warcraft Game that aimed to bring to life the world that Warcraft games brought to life and as you probably know, World of Warcraft took the world by storm after being much bigger than Minecraft at its peak at its peak it was like a legitimate [ __ ] minecraft or fortnite it was a legitimate [ __ ] uh like a cultural phenomenon no why do you think i said that let me ask you a question why do you think i said i have to showing the numbers to prove it's okay again me a minute, uh everyone, every time i say something people always have to [ __ ] pretend it's not real , uh gimme a second this is so annoying guys its so annoying that anyone would even question the fact that i could ever be wrong about anything how can you even t hink let's do this, see here, it's my specific question, and look at the US. Well I think in general it was better if the players didn't ask questions. Oh no it's hard to say I definitely think there are more players in Fortnite and Minecraft than nowhere and wow because the other two games are a lot easier to get. Yes Interest rates much higher over time Wow. I'm actually a bit confused because it showed much much higher as before. I'm wondering what the difference is yeah because I remember looking at that and I saw it was a lot bigger, maybe it was a different type of charter that I was looking at from a different angle, uh anyway, wow, [ __ ] was big right that's all i'm really saying please in 2004. It outperformed all its competitors like EverQuest Star Wars Galaxies or even free online games like RuneScape players. The lore and storytelling that Blizzard created for them, it was a new age of gaming, surely even South Park picked it up and did a whole parody episode of the game, and brother I saw it with my dad was good

[ __ ] Day by day, as World of Warcraft's popularity grew, so did Blizzard's desire to create an expansion that continues the game's story, but Blizzard either launched World of Warcraft with a focus on arthas menethil's Warcraft 3 signature character or decided to do so decided to make him the focus of the first expansion of world of warcraft, no he was like the thing is arthas was there but you know what i'm saying arthas was there because you had the lich king that you had uh you know the eastern plaguelens you had strat you had max ramus so it's like the lich king even in vanilla was a looming threat in wow but he was just there and that was the decision that they would keep us waiting those of us who had played Warcraft 3 and wished very much to go to Northrend. We wanted to wade through those snowy forests, visit the ice-capped mountains of the north, and The Frozen Throne itself t see but we had to wait we had to wait until the end of the classic world of warcraft as well as the game's first expansion The Burning Crusade But then in 2004 Apple Khan Blizzard Entertainment revealed that the next expansion for world of warcraft was The Wrath of the Lich King, which would pick up the Arthas Menethil story from where it left off in Warcraft 3. I also have to keep in mind that Illidan lost to Arthas, so it would make a lot of sense for you to go from Illidan to Arthas would go makes sense yes his undead hordes were ravaging Azeroth and now we would be the heroes of the horde and the alliance that was supposed to defeat him in his own northland domain Blizzard was excited players were excited world of warcraft Now having a population of over 12 million active players, it was time to end what began all those years ago in 2002 and the tyranny of the Lich King put an end to it, so you might be wondering how it went, to be honest. Wrath of the Lich King was a mixed bag in terms of a WoW expansion for those of us who played it anyway. It's considered the best World of Warcraft expansion ever made, and it arguably indicated a few things this expansion that pissed people off because of one thing because many people would this be their last wow expansion they specifically chose to play this game just for the fact that they wanted to

went to kill the lich king exactly yeah i think that's one hundred [ __ ] percent true it's like the lich king was like he was the last boss like the lich king who pretty much loos everyone Bound endings other than the Burning Legion uh in WoW he was, yeah it was the trilogy and it was the final boss of the game they wanted so Rath had a bit of a bittersweet feeling like he was watching the last days of the game would play in its heyday, which ultimately turned into true wrath. I don't think anyone, I don't remember anyone thinking that as I recall after the Lich King's appearance everyone was wondering what the [ __ ] is going to happen next we're going to fight now and the people said will we fight sargeras, will it be like deathwing or some other random [ __ ] boss or something like that? yes i mean uh the lord of the cataclysm spectrum deathwing yes i thought deathwing was great but i think that arthas and like the lich king is in the mind of average players yes this is the last boss of course some gameplay- and had story issues which saw Zorn introduce a lot of tank and spank gameplay into the game in its dungeons. The raids it released were pitifully basic, winter grass black, the Crusader Tournament Trial was story-driven kind of weird, and even things like finding a party showed up at the end of Wrath of the Lich King, which I would also say Wrath of The Lich King raids are significantly harder than crusade-burning installments like outside of NAX. I think people when they say wrath raids are easy they are talking about 10 man tricks with a 30 buff and next, sorry, 10 man ICC with the 30 buff and NAX because older hardmodes are infinitely harder than anything that was in tbc and same goes for togc hardmodes and i would also say putracide sindragosa probably heroic lich king 2 they require more mechanical skills than any other fights It's nowhere near a highly controversial feature in WoW since its in-game release, regardless of opinions, although Wrath of the Lich King has perished as World of Warcraft's best expansion and the game hasn't had the success it's ever had, actually, isn't it uh wad if that's all

Subs for Wad went back up to 10 10 million if you remember it was like it was [ __ ] massive the number of people coming back to Draenor it just didn't hold people's ire 12. Yeah, I mean I guess you could say yeah, Zorn was 12, Wad was only 10. But I feel like WOD absolutely recaptured a lot of people's flame because, metaphorically, people felt like you would go back to the burning crusade because you're going back to draenora draenor was outland and so it's oh all the old warchiefs like the idea that people thought that way wad probably had the highest cap on potential is a good one to be an extension. I think it had a higher cap than BFA or Legion how cool it could have been after Wrath ended, we saw tons of players leading the game over time who didn't care that much for Wrath's sequel disaster interested, and we've also seen the quality of the game gradually decline over the years until we've reached a point today where the modern game is almost unrecognizable in its early years and saw as the game slowly receded and changed we, as a large group of people started demanding classic servers, they wanted to play the game world of warcraft the way it was all those years ago, oh yeah, and it took a few years and a lot of drama to make sure be able to do this, but ultimately Blizzard decided that we would put classic realms in the game, they originally released these servers so you could play the game the way it was for the big th part started and it was a huge success for Blizzard and some time later they re-released the first expansion of Burning Crusade World of Warcraft and that was also an absolutely massive success as a lot of people started playing World of Warcraft again which old players were returning to Relive Old Nostalgic Memories I can say that I enjoyed playing Wrath a lot more than I enjoyed playing Burning Crusade, without question, I think Wrath of the Li ch King is just infinitely more fun for me Playing the classes, the classes are way better, like my class sucked in Burning Crusade. I didn't like it so now my class in Wrath is fun and I enjoy playing it and also further on top of that the leveling is better I just enjoy it a lot more man Blizzard was just

I'm having a good time making some money with Classic Wow. I can't say there has been much success in the modern game during that time, but you know there has been, but now we've finally reached a very defining moment in the history of World of Warcraft, oh yes, the release of Wrath of the Lich King Classic, the opportunity to go back and play World of Warcraft's best expansion again and see for yourself how this expansion holds up, will it be as controversial as it was in the past or will people be absolutely love? I think it won't be that controversial. No I do not think so. The reason for this is that I've had controversy every time it came out because it was comparatively much easier to get gear than Burning Crusade or Classic, but now like all expansions it's easy to get gear and in Classic Wow and Bernie Crusade it was very easy so I think now people are able to kind of look at them in a more o From the subjective perspective they will see that I mean like Karazhan [ __ ] easy was uh i mean how is karazhan so much harder or easier max 10 man than 25 man probably not they are about the same as if they were both joke raids and i would say it's even harder gear for wrath to get when talking about the best gear in the game compared to TBC and especially compared to Vanilla Wow Everyone is excited, right, it's also that Blizzards put out a lot of videos for it too What I actually found kind of unique is that Blizzard has put out so many videos that are all about Wrath of the Lich King. I feel like there's a lot of people in the company probably like man I [ __ ] miss the calm too you know that's back when everyone didn't think the company was full of freaks and we have just made the game the best game the [ __ ] world anyone knew when there was no controversy, yes I bet they're [ __ ] nostalgic with anger, even more than we are, let's be honest, because comes with this expansion a certain sense of certainty for a lot of people, just like all those years ago. I don't want to play the classic post-Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft

they do not want. I have a feeling yes I would agree with that. I think for PVP I would say 100 that a classic pvp uh cataclysm server would do well because like classic pvp i think it was best in like a wrath or cataclysm i think it was in [ __ ] Mr. Pandaria was too complex for casual gamers it was too formulaic and Legion was too boring and BFA was really good. I actually thought PVP was really good in the early days of Shadowlands, but then meta it's formed and you know they're not balanced properly and you know what it is. Dude, watch a video, a nostalgia video game from 13 years ago, you're [ __ ] addicted to the game, but I think there's a big reason why Razer Naga and like Razer a company [ __ ] massively are in Mr. Pandaria, the reason Razer is able to pay otk a bunch of [ __ ] money, one of the main reasons is th they started in Mr. Pandaria and developed the Razer Naga because the game is so [ __ ] complex was that you needed a mouse with nine buttons on the side to be able to assign everything in the game to the keyboard. I'm not myself I think that was a big reason why it has 12, it's even more like classic Cataclysm and a lot of World of Warcraft players just don't care about the modern game anymore, although World of Warcraft is Dragonflight in many ways looks pretty good in that respect and so for many wrath of the lich king is something like the end of wow possibly yes wrath will be killing the lich king again throughout his patch cycle and it is very possible that just like that, how the love of Arthas Menethil birthed World of Warcraft In the beginning all those years ago, Arthas Menethil and his death could be the end of World of Warcraft. I still think what they [ __ ] should do is they bring out the lich king and be the first guild that kills the lich king as soon as they kill him and he does with fury of frostmour ne it actually kills everyone and it plays a global movie for everyone in the game [ __ ] and it features the Lich King resurrecting those players in the movie kill

Everybody and doing the story all over again, think about it, that would be yes, it's never going to happen, but that would be so [ __ ] cool, if it were right, that would be crazy, and that's why this expansion wins Wrath of the Village King is such a big deal that it focuses on one of gaming's most iconic villains, one of the biggest fan-favorite characters in World of Warcraft. In the community, this is considered to be the best WoW expansion ever released in terms of its music, tone and gameplay, although some controversial decisions have been made here and there and it's exciting to see how the community will react and how this expansion is going to play out now if you are someone you want to try wrath of the lich king or maybe you have fallen behind in terms of your leveling i highly recommend that you watch this video immediately after watching this video on your screen as I share with you 10 tips to level up faster in World of Warcraft so you can get to Northrend as quickly as possible You can step one get a job step two get your paycheck from the job step three use your money to to buy a boost to level 70. Step Step Four Pay someone else to level you up through dungeons. step 5 buy gold step six go to a nexromus gdkp step 7 bid on all gear in gdkp and get full gear step 8 wear on arena and pay step nine buy boe gear step 10 finally now you can play the game reach level 80 and start your journey into the frozen thrones yeah thanks for watching guys. I feel like so many people are just super hyped because wow the anger is coming out again and even it seems like there's a blizzard and I'm excited man I really am I hope that game will be great

I hope it will be fun and I will enjoy it. I mean I've already enjoyed Wrath the way you think about it. I leveled two characters I barely leveled a character in um in BC I leveled more than one character in Burning Crusade I didn't want to because it wasn't fun to level, it was [ __ ] annoying and I already have two Characters leveled to level 80 what was the link again let me link it again I have 2k players left so that came up to us that was the wow uh counting and restarting on Fresh yeah right , yeah, and I rebooted from one, not 60 or 70 to 80. I did one to 80 and then I did Well, 58 to 55 to 80 again I just feel like I've forgot what it's like to play a game fun you know what i a how i i totally forgot i forgot how it was yeah like what's that okay play a game it's a fun game you enjoy the game what is it


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