You NEED To Play Spider-Man Miles Morales

 Hey this game is [ __ ] awesome and we didn't really play anything other than the intro, the intro alone was gas man, everything about it was [ __ ] gas and one thing I forgot because I was clicking everything too fast , which there is an option in the graphics settings that I think I can show you here. Maybe I can get a game I could have switched to performance mode which I didn't but this does make the game move at a smooth x 60fbs so in the last video if you were watching 60fps you would have known that it wasn't me I just failed I let you down I'm sorry but now we should postpone it my boys so where we left off we got a gift uh Spider-Man that is that buffa suit i don't understand who the [ __ ] he thought i was brother i'm the black spider-man i shouldn't go out like that i really didn't care and it shows so much with that suit alone , but we have two other options we have this one which looks like fire but too much white for me bro I feel like I'm looking at discord light mode or like twitter or something. I have to hit you with this. This is the best we have, bro, the spider verse. Miles my boy my boy I'm gonna miss the eye you know they can blink with certain expressions in the cutscenes but I don't know man it's either this or that these two that interest me and me would rather look to the right as we start this playthrough aka anime arc i want to know if you are all looking forward to this 20,000 likes let me know you love it and i will keep going and y'all know so what is this, this is my second gift that peter is supposed to be giving I'm ready for your first holographic training challenge. I can't wait to train all over town. Okay, we're doing practice stuff since I've already played the first game. I'll just skip the training Twerking for my success I don't know if this isn't actually a sequel It's more of an extension beat and with that little cutscene I just did with the fighting it's weird that you have to understand that I like the little eye

Moves it's with my suit and that's the best suit I've got right now that doesn't uh look ass and feels very uh natural to where I am right now in canon history, nice so I guess we're officially with training done swinging and battle challenges Ah just like the first game we now have challenges that we can do across the map and I'm sure like the first game we complete all of these and we also switch a suit free I suppose based on the fact that these are all Spider-Man based things. The suit we would unlock would be oh the homemade suit maybe I don't know I don't see it's something that uh oh it's the suit for black lives yo oh it's such a Fireman Right there's a lot I want to do where do I start man oh who's calling me? I think you can check out Roxanne Plaza on the way home. I just want stones on the pitch. Are you sure someone is breaking into our first mission? about your new spider powers what you want to know what kind of bioelectric disc harge or charged static electricity we have to call it how about poison house you know ah poison oh that's where they want to call it now I you know how I handle my suits like z I've always been to every game I've played and aside from that suit making no sense bro get this podcast out my ear but we have this, i'm not wearing it, why would peter give me all this? Right how bad could it be for the cutscene, oh that's awful, is that such a neck scratcher? cared about miles hello i'm simon krieger oh hey oh you're the guy is a new form reactor oh it's activated t its reactor will provide enough energy to power the whole heart. I'm sure you're thinking, Simon, how is this possible? fingers crossed safe energy for uh for the next 500 comics and what do you have if something sounds

too good to be true and then it's too good to be true get ready for a planet powered by a new form alright elon we're here for you vicious elon this switch is about to get crazy as this backfires what was that oh bang you would i think i read the script ok so theres a villain here who is oh this suit is so fancy i will wear it for this brother i wanna see if I can get used to it, maybe I probably won't, but um oh wait, someone's here, but then someone's not here, explain, they've been looking for me. Oh no someone's here all the techs what are they gonna do minute they ain't technically as good as Peters but they work okay oh that's how I wanna do it lets go oh was a hit yay, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, there's a lot of weird [ __ ] going on, bro, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa whoa whoa god damn it's alright let's deal with you first go off that no uh flying kick now die pog how you wanna do that wow whoa [ __ ] damn i thought i might dodge ok ok ok i'm ass just the sniper up there i deal with it cause uh that not nice this can jump me whats going to the [ __ ] bro please stop shooting alright cool its just alright oh my god oh wow y'all really with the [ __ ] tonight , okay folks, was a bunch, I didn't have it, yeah, and now I have it

I wonder where you are, oh [ __ ] I'm out of nets. I love this banter Hard to Master 'cause I'm a little rusty, that's all. I haven't played it since it first came out on the live stream, just like a crackhead when it first came out, man, but um, yeah, you know when you get the hang of it, it is just very easy it's very very easy you actually want the harder difficulty alright you're gone you're alright two for one whoa I'll do that yes lord uh-huh and then , oh [ __ ] with fights, I heard a guy talk about tinkering, a rock on word, they can take it from here, oh, word have to check later, okay, okay, look at God brother okay, miles, yeah oh that was hot man im considering rocking the christmas dinner that sounds pretty good right t now oh its still christmas i forgot the group and the new form airs tomorrow ok miles well i guess tomorrow we'll change our outfit but now we'll rock it for the night now I'm curious what's what The evening ssen looks like oh true my first video was copyrighted as soon as I could breathe. So if they hit me with another rock, dammit, another round of copyrighted music. I'm sorry brother, we have to cut this. I look disgusting with this man oh I look polite my adidas shouldn't still be looking so fresh after all this and they should be asking hellish questions as to why I'm suddenly in my room but you know what who is that, oh, my family, graduation, me

All the best, little spill, Genki, ah, my boy, my man in the chair, I invited a guest tonight. can you finish the apartment Hello tomorrow's rally won't plan itself thanks for getting the flat ready Niko hello oh no ok that was nice uh what's that 15 years in Brooklyn without a spot oh , and we moved to Harlem, I'd be a sign That's a nice little house actually, bro, I bet it's going to be noisy as hell, but I'm glad daddy's tree made it through the move Alright guys, I'm doing this one a solo. I might have to mute it. Let's see how bad that is. Oh, we have to find it. Hey mom, where's dad's vinyl? I guess I don't know the heirloom llpaper just yells Abuela what is that oh my god the [ __ ] must have gotten messy damn moving moving one of them oh oh who's the drifter whoa okay I wonder if Dad ever caught the guy, ah I'll just say that, keep it at City Hall if you know Dad's alright. What is that? He wore this every Sunday while he was making it. Brothers. No, is there more?

salsa by auella mom and dad would move when that came oh ok what is that i think that was uncle aarons oh dad never played it but i never got rid of it i guess we shouldn't do this to each other i guess for Um Mamas Sake I'll take this, yeah alright it's crazy because what you're going to hear is going to be so different from what's being shown assuming it's copyrighted. hello borax with bleach bleach are you sure bleach is a good idea yeah sure why no reason alright bro you got that alright all hoosies check this out

Go outside, let me see if I can see some of the fire escape, ok, well, I definitely can't get to the transformer from here. Don't worry about nothing if you're damn fine so we gotta find people on the roof who can't go up there for this man but whatever okay here's the breaker and here's god what okay oh man these lights are bright very positive think this through look at what i have done is miles out actually uh what about him i will get [ __ ]genki now yeah bro dawg whoa whoa miles we haven't waited miles there ain't no reason you should do this all alright everyone great photo great photo oh what hey who's ready to eat guys sit down i got this it smells good oh because he walked in the front door his room didnt get a seat i screamed cuz i realized copyrighted music was playing and i was here look i will put my own music in

oh the copyright scare my heart bro y'all y'all got too many bops in here they're good y'all up too let me do my job in the robotics club i had to quit but i got biotech on mine studying own nerd oh says the guy who has to wear an ascot to school hey only tuesdays your brother rick still works for roxanne oh-oh i don't know why that wasn't a question after you saw your last campaign ad you decided on simon krieger's jugular ganky you have some flair for social media could you spread the word about tomorrows rally yes we will be trending at midnight sometimes it feels like simon kriegers my real opponent hmm roxanne has so much clout here but you reply not to everyone but their shareholders harlem needs someone to fight for the community who is mom's campaign vote if you can't say ah i love her that's my mom you want to proofread this before i post it credits huh thanks you need this need the right one so what is what do you mean you seem distracted i dont know yes you want to talk about it not tonight its christmas hey how are you you with the move from brooklyn i mean it's alright you hate it no no that's your i hate it but i'm too nice to say no no it can't be stopped i don't know anyone here and I always have to ask for directions, you have to find a good restaurant, a barber shop, somewhere to shoot baskets. gonna settle in i like her what if we hang out tomorrow yay just the two of us yay your not too busy come on me

can postpone homework for at least another week you know i got you girl okay oh spiderman you know a boyfriend date miles no you had it smooth like the last time i said miles you had it right bro you look nice bro i love the [ __ ] man y'all this game is fire man oh i been sleeping slipped miles bro why you in my room like this no so i stayed up last night and designed an app for your new suit. I've seen it before, oh get out my room disassembler so I could reverse engineer the plugin architecture and bro I'm asleep I fell asleep again yeah let me rock back to your chair bro [ __ ] I'm up it's almost man I ditch my suit here miles I do it oh you lucky yeah man let's do this I'm connected to your analytics oh wow thanks let's testing us baby alright i dunno peter not like you you jump up no i jump out the window i can see everything oh shoot how dont you puke all the time lots of practice oh i guess we play alright , swipe left welcome to the friendly neighborhood wow new yorkers can directly ask for help and report ongoing crimes okay thanks oh that's me the request came from a guy named okay davis wait what that is, my uncle, he knows y'all know the vibes


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